Tableau Proof Assistant

Formulas of ASAL:

Tableau Rules

[:] [b:γ]...[c:χ](φ∨ψ)
[:] [b:γ]...[c:χ](φ∧ψ)
[:]K [b:γ]...[c:χ][a:θ]Bdε
[:]~K [b:γ]...[c:χ][a:θ]~Bdε
<!θ> [b:γ]...[c:χ]<a!θ>φ
[!θ] [b:γ]...[c:χ][a!θ]φ
<!> [b:γ]...[c:χ]<a!>φ
[!] [b:γ]...[c:χ][a!]φ
where [b:γ]...[c:χ] is either a sequence of free announcement operators or empty and p is a new atomic message which does not occur in any ancestor.
Due to my fault, currently agents should be only denoted by one letter from a to e. And propositional variable should be from p to z. Do not use a_1, b_2, p_1, x_2 and etc..

Tableau Output

Expand the tableau by double clicking compound formula. Or do it automatically except arbitrary formulas.

Closure Condition


Please choose an open branch when prompted, selecting from left to right. Opting for a closed branch to create a model is not advisable.