Set the Size of Agents

Select Agent's Followers

Select an agent:

Select its followers:

Set the Size of Prop

How to write correct messages of belief:

Select an Agent for Belief Assignment:

Input the Belief Message:

Agent Beliefs:

Announcements are in form of [a:p], which means a announces p to its followers. After you update model, you may try to click Draw Graph again.

How to Write Well-formed Formulas:

Enter Your Formula


Axiom System Fsal

An axiom system is a set of foundational truths (axioms) used to derive further theorems through logical reasoning. In such a system:

The following system \( \mathsf{Fsal} \) is sound and complete, meaning every theorem is valid and then satisfied by any model within this system, and only theorems are valid.

Our original model is defined with infinite propositional variables but here we only employ a finite number of variables. To test a formula by the satisfiability checker above, ensure it is well-formed, using only the defined propositional variables in \( Prop \) and agents.


Let \( \mathsf{Fsal} \) be the formal system which is a set of all valid formulas of \( L_{FSAL} \). Say a formula is a theorem of \( \mathsf{Fsal} \) if it is a consequence of the following axioms and rules:

[Taut] All substitution instances of propositional tautologies
[K] \( B_{i}\theta \) where \( \theta \) is an instance of propositional tautology.
[KB] \( B_{a}(\theta \rightarrow \gamma) \rightarrow (B_{a}\theta \rightarrow B_{a}\gamma) \)
[K[:]] \( [a:\theta](\phi \rightarrow \psi) \rightarrow ([a:\theta]\phi \rightarrow [a:\theta]\psi) \)
[[:]-Dual] \( \neg [a:\theta]\phi \leftrightarrow [a:\theta]\neg\phi \)
[Comm] \( [a:\gamma][b:\theta]\phi \leftrightarrow [b:\theta][a:\gamma]\phi \)
[UMon] \( B_{b}\chi\rightarrow[a:\theta]B_{b}\chi \)
[SDMon] \( [a:\theta]B_{b}\chi\rightarrow B_{b}(\theta\rightarrow\chi) \)
[RDMon] \( [a:\gamma]\neg B_{b}\gamma\rightarrow([a:\theta]B_{b}\chi\rightarrow B_{b}\chi) \)

[MP] From \( (\phi \rightarrow \psi), \phi \), infer \( \psi \)
[[:]-Nec] From \( \vdash\phi \), infer \( \vdash[a:\theta]\phi \)

you may test the following instances with any model you defined

[Taut] (Bap + ~Bap)
[K] Ba(p+~p)
[KB] (Ba(p>q)>(Bap>Baq))
[K[:]] [a:q](Bbq>Bcp) > ([a:q]Bbq>[a:q]Bcp))
[UMon] (Bbp>[a:q]Bbp)
[SDMon] ([a:p]Bbq > Bb(p > q))
[RDMon] ([a:r]~Bbr > ([a:p]Bbq> Bbq))